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Isolation of a Self-confessed Introvert - Day 64-70 (week 10)

It seems the coronavirus has taken somewhat of a backseat in the news this week. Instead the world has been shook by the cruel and unjust murder of George Floyd in the US by a member of the police force. A light has been shone on racism once more, a movement has been started. All over the globe the 2nd June 2020 became blackout Tuesday, social media full of plain black images. A call that it is not enough to be ‘not racist’, that we must be anti-racist. That as white people we are already privileged at birth, just for the fact that we will never be judged by the colour of our skin, be in danger because of the colour of our parents’ skin. We must educate ourselves and future generations, we must change. Racism is not natural, it is learned and we must stop teaching it.

It seems impossible that after centuries of this ingrained behaviour that a change can be made, that the wheel can be broken. My only hope is that it can.

With that in mind, I shall not be writing the inconsequential things that happened this week as usual.

Day 64 - 70 (Week 10)


Book Reviews:-

Sex and Vanity by Kevin Kwan

Under a Starry Sky by Laura Kemp

Little White Lies by Philippa East

Book - The Switch by Beth O’Leary

TV - Killing Eve S03

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