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Isolation of a Self-confessed Introvert - Day 15


Today brought the news that French officials have increased the lock down restrictions for the citizens of Paris, after many flouted the rules over the weekend. No one is allowed outside for exercise now between the hours of 10am and 7pm. I fear similar action will be implemented in the UK, specifically London, should people continue to disobey the government sanctioned guidelines.

In local news, Cornwall Live have the #ComeBackLater campaign imploring tourists to visit our beautiful county later on in the year. But sadly it appears not all holidaymakers and second home owners are heeding these words, and several complaints have been made reporting accommodation businesses and owners who are welcoming people.

I’m unsure what it will take to make people listening, are the thousands of deaths in this country alone not enough? Apparently not in the case of the invincible who decide to escape to the country- and seaside.

Day 15:

Today is the first day of week 3 in isolation, half of me can’t believe it’s already week 3 the other half can’t believe it’s only been 2 weeks.

It started off as a pretty grey day but I felt the need to go out as soon as I was up, which is extremely unlike me. As I live on a main road in the city centre I don’t have a driveway and therefore to park I have to have a on-street residents permit. Thankfully a lady who lives opposite, where they have small driveways, has let me park there during the isolation. Unfortunately, it’s seagull mating season and she has a very large tree in her front garden where they like to congregate. Therefore, my car looks like it has been used for target practice so I decide I will go and give it a quick jet wash.

After a shower and getting dressed and with surgical gloves in hand I head over to the car. No make-up today, I have picked up a good colour on my face now from my many lazy garden days, but it still feels quite liberating. My main reason for going out today is not really to wash the car, I shall just give that a quick blast on the way, but I’m off to Home Bargains for Easter gifts, a few cleaning supplies and toiletries.

I have friends who live in Bristol, and their children are like my niece and nephew. Not an Easter has passed where I haven’t been able to see them and treat them with a few gifts, so I just wanted to find something small I could pop in the post to them. Also, needed to pick my mum up an egg, not sure even in lock down I could get away with not doing that! I wasn’t sure what I was looking for really but I like to steer away from the usual items as kids get soooo many eggs and chocolate bits at this time of year. I knew Home B’s wouldn’t let me down, I managed to find some cookie lollies with cute themed decorations on. I grabbed my swag and headed to the tills, quite frankly I didn’t want to be out in the shops longer than I had to be. Luckily I have a post box at the end of my street so I sent them off when I got home - I really hope they survive the journey.

Luckily, I made it home and hid the egg just as Mum and Buddy returned from their walk. We had some lunch and then made the most of the weather, which had by then turned into a scorcher, sitting in the garden for the rest of the afternoon.

After tea, I went upstairs to write my review for my recently finished title. Once that was complete, I carried on playing my playstation. Happily, I’m getting the swing of things again now! Cantering across the wild west on my horse Bessie, fighting outlaws and even wrangling a lion. Quite the evening really. By 12:45am I was getting pretty tired and decided to put my game character to sleep, and following suit I climbed in myself.

Another day done, another week started…


PS4 Game - Red dead Redemption 2

Book Review - His & Hers by Alice Feeney



Disclaimer: "Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person."

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