Usually I start by writing my review with my own variation of the blurb. I’m not going to do that here. I’m going to assume you know what this book is about, as it has been everywhere for the better part of 2 years now.
I am, however, going to begin by saying this book has me completely torn. More than any other has before. I finished this book 2 weeks ago and have still not managed to decide on a star rating. I have swung from 1 star to 5 star and back again.
Many times, whilst reading, I considered casting it aside and putting it down as an overhyped novel being highly rated by people desperate to be on the bestseller bandwagon. But something made me keep going. I’m not usually one for overly descriptive books filled with flowery language, as I can’t bear the highfaluting style. However, the depiction of nature in this story was high quality and far outshone the narrative. It was clear Owens is experienced when writing factual information over fiction.
The plot itself was ok, a basic murder mystery really. However, it unravelled well, and was intriguing enough to keep me reading, but in the same instance I was bored. I had no real urge to wonder whodunit, and I can’t say I thought much about it when I wasn’t reading.
See? Now you know why I’ve been so torn. Even as I write this review I still can’t get my feelings for this novel 100% straight. But I have decided it comes down to this…Kya is an enigma.
It is Kya herself that makes you want to continue reading, even when you might not be wholly enjoying yourself. She is wildly smart, yet clueless. Brave but cripplingly shy. Cunning and at the same time incredibly naive. Something about this character is so unbelievable she’s almost mystical, and I believe that is the draw of this book.
With all of this in mind I am plumping straight down the middle with my rating and giving this book a 3 out of 5 stars. After much consideration and contemplation this, to me, seemed the only fair ruling.