When 6 year old Marcus is kidnapped from his street on Halloween, there is only one witness. A teenager, terrified to come forward as he shouldn’t have been there himself.
With an anonymous tip off, DS Imogen Grace heads to the scene, only to be told by Marcus’ parents that he isn’t missing. Grey knows there’s more to the story than meets the eye, but how much more she couldn’t imagine…
With her personal life clouding her judgement, can DS Grey follow her gut to bring the little boy home safe and sound?
I always highly anticipate books in this series, although there were a couple that didn’t quite hit the target for me, I love reading about these characters. The crime in this instalment is intriguing however I wound’t say it had me gripped like some of it’s predecessors.
I found this story to be more focussed on the personal lives of Grey and Miles. Whilst I didn’t enjoy this previously, I think it served the story well to convey the aftermath of the incident that took place in the last book.
What I love most about Diamond’s storytelling is the way she weaves so many threads together and there’s always another possible story bubbling away in the background. Characters from previous books often make reappearances to aid the currently plot and we are shown glimpses of their development too. No spoilers here, but this one sees the return of an oldie but goody, and my particular favourite side character of the whole series!
I would highly recommend this series, and I do…frequently. This was a really great read, and once again I burnt through the pages rather than savouring them. So, now begins the long wait for part eight! However, I’ve seen a few reviews where this was read as a standalone, but I don’t think you can delve in anywhere. This is a must from the very beginning, to really get to know the characters and understand their motives. I’m very jealous of any crime fans that haven’t read these yet, as you now get to read all seven in a row and introduce yourselves to the wonderful Miley and Grey!
* Thanks to Avon Books UK, via NetGalley, for this ARC *