Kathleen is eighty years old and after a life affirming experience with an intruder decides the best course of action is definitely not the retirement home her daughter has in mind.
Liza, her daughter, is struggling with the demands of family life, and the last thing she needs is her mother making wild holiday plans.
Martha has hit a quarter-life crisis. Unemployed and uninspired she’s struggling to get her life on a track her family will be proud of.
As these women embark on their journeys of a lifetime, they’re about to discover that it’s never too late for an adventure.
Sarah Morgan never fails to write a story that whisks me away to a fabulous destination, and this story is no exception as we hit the historic Route 66 in a cherry-red Mustang!!
Told from the viewpoints of the three protagonists via alternating chapters, I found it to be a fast-paced but leisurely read. Often when there are multiple main characters I find myself liking one slightly less and therefore skimming those sections. However, Kathleen, Liza and Martha all brought something different and their own uniqueness to the story that was extremely pleasing.
The pages of this book were absolutely full of sunshine, scenery and plenty of satire which was exactly what I required during a dreary March in UK lockdown. Although the travel was pivotal to the story I was thankful it didn’t read like a guide book, but was very much a take of personal journeys over the physical ones.
What I loved most about this story was the lack of focus on a romance, but instead it centred on three strong and independent women all finding themselves and readdressing the balance at different stages of their lives. It was extremely empowering!
Highly recommend this, and all of Morgan's work, to fans and newbies alike. The perfect escapism!
* Thanks to HQ, via NetGalley, for this ARC *