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REVIEW: The Noise by James Patterson and J.D. Barker


In the shadow of Mount Hood sisters and survivalists, Tennant and Sophie, are out checking traps when they are overcome by a crescendo of screams. Thrown into an underground storm cellar and locked inside by their father, the noise grows ever more deafening.

But when the sound subsides, the chaos is far from over…

Upon receiving an email titled “Psst. Wanna be one of the first to read THE NOISE by J.D. Barker and James Patterson?”, I rushed online to claim my eARC. I have never read anything by Patterson even though he is a household name, but J.D. Barker penned one of the best thrillers I have ever read, and it was with high anticipation I began this book straight away.

Even though I was keen to read this title, I wasn’t sure whether I would like it due to the dual authorship. To be completely honest I didn’t even have a clue how that works. So, don’t quote me on this, as I had to look it up on Google, but I believe when Patterson co-writes he composes a detailed outline and then the co-author, in this case Barker, writes the chapters before revisions and rewrites are made by both parties. As I said, I have never read anything by James Patterson, and I’m sure other readers would be able to spot his trademark style, but for me Barker’s voice clearly shone through the prose in this novel and I was not disappointed!

Made up of 102 short and snappy chapters, and told from multiple points of view, this novel was fast paced and gripping. The momentum of the storytelling really conveyed and heightened the urgency the characters were feeling throughout, and I too began to feel like I was in a race against time, devouring each page.

I don’t want to give too much away and ruin the suspense for other readers, but I highly recommend this book. I’m not sure what genre it falls into, but if you’re a fan of mystery, sci-fi or thrillers, and prefer a plot driven story put this on your TBR immediately!!

* Thanks to Little, Brown and Company, via NetGalley, for this ARC *



Disclaimer: "Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person."

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