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REVIEW: Outlawed by Anna North


On the day of her wedding, Ada feels like the luckiest girl in the world. But after a year of trying to conceive a baby and failing, in a town where barren women are hanged for witchcraft, Ada’s luck has run out.

She is forced to leave, and eventually finds herself joining the notorious Hole in the Wall Gang. A group of outcast women turned outlaws led by The Kid. But could the dream of building a safe haven for these women end up being a perilous reality?

I had such high expectations for this book. I thought it would be “The Giver of Stars” meets the Wild West. How wrong, and disappointed, I was.

I should start by saying that this wasn’t a terrible read, it was well written and flowed well. However, it didn’t evoke any want or need in me to pick it up, which the fact it took me a over 3 weeks to finish will attest to. There was a beginning, a very long-winded middle and an end, but no story or progression to speak of.

The premise was a good one, but the execution was lacking. There were far too many characters, and with very little development it was hard to remember who was who let alone empathise with their situations. As for Ada, the main protagonist, she was simply…wet. There is no other word befitting her personality. I was hoping for a gumption-filled gunslinger by the end of this novel, but by the final page she was as equally bland as on the first.

If you’re looking for character driven historical fiction, you won’t find it here.



Disclaimer: "Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person."

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