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Isolation of a Self-confessed Introvert - Days 11, 12 & 13


The last few days have been pretty quiet, most people appear to be settling into their lock down routines now, and the news tells of possible harder rules to be enforced should those still flouting the isolation directive continue.

The real breaking news has been that Boris Johnson is now in Intensive Care due to his ongoing battle with COVID-19, and much worry has surrounded the welfare of his fiancé who is pregnant and self-isolating after suffering symptoms.

He isn’t the Prime Minister I would have chosen, but even I have to admit I think he’s having a really good bash at a ridiculously difficult job right now. Get well soon BoJo!

Days 11, 12 & 13:

There hasn’t been a great deal to report the last few days, hence the condensed post. It’s funny to think these three days were Saturday, Sunday and Monday; 2 of the best days and 1 of the worst in a normal week. To me, they are just days now. Often I don’t actually know what day it is, but then I don’t suppose I really need to.

Saturday absolutely flew by, my mum walked Buddy and they ended up being out for over 2 hours. They followed a lane and it took them further than expected. I, however, spent 7 hours in the garden reading. It was a beautiful day and there was a nice breeze. Sadly, it wasn’t until I came in for dinner that I realised I was looking rather red and crisp…oops! The shower that evening was somewhat unbearable, but a day in the sun provided me with that tiredness that comes after long summer days. Content and happy tiredness.

Sunday passed in much the same fashion, I tried my hardest to fill in my ‘white bits’ from the day before, but it just wasn’t as nice out. The late afternoon brought rain, which lasted into the evening so there was much lazing in front of the television to enjoy, and a new book to start.

Monday came, without that normal grumpy feeling. Mum wasn’t feeling particularly great so we again just watched television. By 3pm I felt restless and asked Mum if she wanted to take Buddy for a short and slow walk, as the sun had come out something fierce. After a quick shower, we slowly made our way to Daubuz Moor. Buddy had some fun splashing about in the river but there were a lot of people out making the most of the late afternoon warmth, and most of the time was spent trying to bypass others carefully and respectfully.

On the walk back home, Buddy caught sight of something and ran off into the river. This is a good time to mention he was on the lead, and I was left grappling onto a tree so that he didn’t pull me head first down the steep bank with him. Much to his dismay, I wasn’t following him. He was extremely keen to have more than his 5 metre lead length, and desperate to chase some poor ducks that were bobbing along minding their own business until a wily Patterdale had other ideas!

That evening my friend, Hannah, asked me how my mental health was fairing. A question I suppose I hadn’t given much thought up until this point. I know others are having difficulties with anxiety and stress, but I’m not currently feeling those things, which I am grateful for. At the moment I am abiding by the stipulated guidelines, my family and friends are all well and staying safe and I am being paid 80% of my wage to sit at home. Although all this endless time with no where to go can be boring, I know I just have to keep finding things to occupy myself. I’ve found over the last 2 weeks it’s also important to not set myself goals for the day, this usually leads to feeing disappointed. I am just doing as I feel when I feel it, and for the moment that’s working nicely for me.

Well, that was it. Three days passed in the blink of an eye without much fuss.


TV - The Magicians S05

Book - His & Hers by Alice Feeney



Disclaimer: "Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person."

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