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Isolation of a Self-confessed Introvert - Day 7


So Boris Johnson is sending a letter to every household in the UK. 30 million homes and 66 million residents. At the cost of £5.7 million.

Now, am I the only one that seems to think spending millions of pounds on a letter is a tad crazy? We are living in the modern age, no? What is the point of the letter…to make people listen…to make people abide by the rules? How is a piece of paper going to enforce the governments wishes better than a televised announcement? Are people more scared by post? At this point in the game do we really need a leaflet on how to wash our hands?

So many questions, and no apparent or obvious answers. Or maybe there will be when the letter actually arrives.

On another note, if I see one more advert for TikTok I might scream!

Day 7:

Looked at clock, 9:10am. Forced myself to go back to sleep, happily awoke at 9:47am instead. Hoping I might have broken the weird groundhog day-esque waking going forward.

Breakfast and tea, then last nights dishes. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

But no, today is slightly different from here on in. It is time for me to leave the house, to go to the supermarket. It felt so surreal to shower, do my make up and hair. I probably didn’t need to do these things just to go on a food run, but having a purpose to get ready felt good. It felt normal, and normalcy is of course what we are all missing in these challenging times.

The quietness on the roads was exactly what you wish for every day as a driver, but today it leant a certain eeriness to proceedings. Once I had parked up at Sainsbury’s I joined the 2 metre apart queueing system. Little stations of blue roll and anti-bacterial spray were set up along the way for wiping down trolleys and baskets before entering the store. I was surprised at the efficiency, for quite a long line it only took a few minutes to gain entry. Then once I was in, I walked around the aisles just as I normally would picking up dog food, birthday cards and jiffy bags. I actually found myself trying to waste a little more time there, but then I felt bad for all the people who were still waiting outside and headed to the checkout.  

When I got home I made a lunch of cheese on toast for me and Mum and then watched some TV whilst beginning to write this piece. The sun was out again today but a chilly breeze was enough to keep me indoors. I hope that soon the weather enables us to be sitting outside again, it was certainly making the days more pleasurable and added more of a holiday air.

I spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV whilst writing this piece. We made pizzas for tea…I chose tuna and sweetcorn, with extra cheese. We decided not to do our evening walk, Mum and Buddy had been out for an extra long one this afternoon. So I just popped down to the letter box to post my grandad’s birthday present. 

Well, there you have it, one week in isolation complete. I have to say the first half was much more enjoyable than the latter. I had predicted good days and bad, and I was right. What I've learnt is that we just have to appreciate the good ones and accept the bad ones. Taking each day as it comes seems to be the only way forward.


TV -

The Magicians S03



Disclaimer: "Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of any other person."

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