Today presented a sky filled with eerie lilac clouds and only brief appearances of weak winter sun. The threatening of rain was imminent, and another day inside it seemed was on the cards.
Word of the day: Disillusioned.
Day 6:
9:10am was the start of the day again, which is actually getting a little weird now, and one look outside told me it wasn’t going to be the best of days.
After tea and crumpets, Mum headed out for a walk with Buddy and I made use of being at home on a Monday to watch ‘The Walking Dead’. My next treat was to have a shower, followed by actually drying and straightening my hair. Something I haven’t done for 6 days.
Not a great deal else happened after that. Television watching, napping and eating.
If you haven’t guessed by now, today I was seriously lacking pep. I don’t know whether this is due to the fact that a lot of my friends are still working, and therefore their Monday’s started with some purpose. Or possibly the lack of sunshine is waining my enthusiasm. Or it could be just a normal Day 6 slump.
Today was the first day I felt that being introverted was of no help to me in isolation. I felt irritable and lethargic. Wanting desperately to be alone but also not wanting to be sat by myself, sleeping was the preferable choice.
With this in mind I don’t have a great deal to left to say today. However, it was my evening walk that made me the happiest. Not something you would usually catch me saying. But watching how happy Buddy is when he is out and about, sniffing around and being free from the confines of the house fills me with delight too.
It is really strange walking around the city streets in the dusk, it is so very quiet. Gone are the sounds of conversation in restaurants, the laughing as people walk home from the pub and the usual murmurings and movements of a city at night. Instead of being distracted by these goings on I find myself looking at things I wouldn’t normally see. A shop or a house that I didn’t know was there, even though I’ve walked past it a hundred times before. An unbroken and unblemished view of the cathedral, and that is what tonight offered.
After a fairly uneventful, and somewhat reflective day, I finally felt calmed taking a photo of a building that has stood for over 110 years. How many things it must have lived through during it's time. This strange and uncertain time we are currently living is just another small thing this towering edifice will oversee…and survive.

TV Programmes -
The Walking Dead S10
The Magicians S02/S03