The biggest news this week was Boris Johnson’s announcement on Sunday regarding the easing of lockdown restrictions. As usual, the updated instructions were as clear as mud. The COVID-19 slogan is no longer “Stay Home, Stay Safe” but “Stay Alert”. The reason for this? We’ve all basically been set free.
If you can’t work from home - go back to work.
If you are going back to work - can you try not to drive, instead walk or cycle there.
Exercise - whenever you feel like it, and as many times as you want.
Drive - as far as you like to exercise at beauty spots.
Social distancing - make sure you still do this as they’re increasing the fines.
I mean, you can see where the confusion lies, each rule contradicts the one before it.
I guess it’s up to common sense to decide what you and your family feel comfortable with doing. I personally am not going to change what I have been doing for the last 7 weeks. With the weather becoming brighter every day, I won’t be running the risk just to walk somewhere more scenic!
Day 43 - 49 (Week 7)
This week has felt like one of the longest out of the 7 I have been at home. I think in part the lengthiness was due to waiting for the big announcement on Sunday.
However, the slow passing of days hasn’t had a negative impact. It has actually been one of the most productive weeks I’ve had. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and decided to start an Instagram account for the blog. I’ve wanted to broaden my reach for a while now but could never dedicate the time to give it 100%. So what better time then when I am literally locked down!
It took me a very long time to look at what other bookstagrammers were doing, and research what works and what doesn’t seem to. I noticed that the accounts that had themed grids had the biggest following, so I spent a lot of hours trying to come up with my own idea. I take my hat off to all those committed book lovers who are successfully running pages full of stunning content.
Other than working for most of the day, night and well into the early hours on trying to build up my own content, I have just about been managing to keep up with my reading list. The return of the glorious weather has helped, it is so easy to while away too may hours in the garden between the pages of a good book.

Somewhere in between all that, I have squeezed in some TV and movies, but it’s actually been pleasant to be falling into bed at night tired again. A feeling I didn’t have for the first 6 weeks in isolation.

In fact, I actually think I have finally arrived at the point where being summoned back to work is going to be a real inconvenience.
Book Reviews:
by Hillary Boyd
The Second Chance Hotel by Rachel Dove
Currently Reading - Remain Silent (DS Manon #3) by Susie Steiner
How to Get Away with Murder S06
The Blacklist S07
Killing Eve S03
Movies (Hallmark Channel):
A Feeling of Home
Love in the Sun
Sailing into Love
Fashionably Yours
The Sweetest Heart
Surprised by Love
Campfire Kiss
A Brush with Love