I have decided that I will try and write most days, it is proving to provide a sense of purpose and actually takes up a good chunk of my time.
From my brief flick through the socials this morning, I’m still shocked by how many people are not abiding by the rules of lock down. How can people be so selfish to put themselves above what is good for everyone else. Right now no ones needs are greater than anyone else’s.
I have seen many people online expressing their hopes that the world in which we live will be a different one after these circumstances have passed. A more kind, altruistic and appreciative place. I find it hard to believe that will happen when the people that live in it are yet to change at all.
Day 4:
Saturday is my Day 4, and I found myself wondering whether today will feel any different to the other 3. On any other normal Saturday I tend to remain quite reclusive at the best of times. After a week at work I do enjoy some alone time. MY mum is normally at work and it’s extremely nice not to have to talk to anyone or think of anyone else’s needs for at least the first half of the day.
Well this Saturday did start somewhat similarly. When I woke, again at 9:10am (this is just getting weird now) Mum and Buddy were still in bed, so I had a little time to myself. I made a cup of tea and then made a long overdue video call to my best friend Gemma.
She is currently living in New Zealand and was due to be getting married this December. A wedding I should have been attending, where I should have been a bridesmaid and what would have been an epic trip all round. With all that is going on, she has unfortunately had to postpone the wedding, even if the world has returned to normal it is unlikely anyone would be able to afford to go after this interim period of low wages. Just another marvellous knock-on effect of this pandemic.
We filled a hour and a half with chatter of lock downs, weddings and books. Afterwards I spent the day reading my book and lazing around. At 5pm when Mum walked Buddy I decided to spend the time working out.

In normal life I attend a pole dance class once a week, and am lucky enough to have a pole at home. After an enthusiastic warm up it was time to start on some actual pole work. This was also the exact moment every single move I have learnt over the past 2 years decided to flee my mind. I managed to pull a few tricks and spins from the dark depths of my memories, including my favourite cross leg release. I felt pretty good with my efforts and before I knew it, Mum was back and an hour of exercise had flown by.
The usual evening activities ensued, dinner and a film before bed. All in all, my day didn’t feel dissimilar to a normal Saturday or an isolation day. It was just a day well spent. Sunday will be a day of relaxation indoors, as although sunshine is predicted so are high and cold winds. I have to say my crunchy nose is quite looking forward to it.

Film - Dumbo (2019) (Disney+)
Book - The Jetsetters by Amanda Eyre Ward