I am trying to read as little news online as I can, and have being doing so since the very start of the pandemic. I occasionally read the main updates from parliament and the feel good stories of fundraising etc. I know some people, including a few of my friends, can’t get enough information and read everything. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is correct; everyone has a theory or an opinion and I feel reading these can lead to getting overwhelmed and more frightened.
So, the only news that I saw briefly today that I liked enough to share was that Captain Tom Moore has been asked to virtually open the new Nightingale Hospital in Yorkshire. This man has become a British sensation practically overnight. Raising £27.7 million for the NHS so far, and that figure is still growing, he’s topped the charts at the No. 1 spot with his cover of “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, and there’s talks of a possible Spitfire fly-by for his birthday and a petition for Knighthood. What an absolute legend!
Day 25 - 28
Over the weekend the weather was mostly dull, but this provided a good excuse to enjoy some indoor entertainment, such as TV watching, gaming and reading. All things I love a lot, and can devote considerable hours to.
Monday turned into the day of cleaning, it was one of those days where one job turns into another and before you know it you’ve been cleaning for 6 hours. At 11:00am I started with the dishes, which led to deep cleaning the kitchen and then hoovering and dusting through the house. After this came the tidying of the Tupperware drawer and the hideous “man drawer”. You know the one, contains all sorts of random paraphernalia that just doesn’t belong anywhere else in the house. Batteries, silver spray paint, one light bulb, a silicon muffin tray, 25 packets of half used headache pills…I could go on! Then it was time for a much deserved, and much needed, shower.
Since being in isolation I have often found myself looking at my photographs a lot more. Maybe it is the inability to travel or see friends that pushes me to look at snapshots and relive visits to places and memorable occasions. Anyway, my next job was to swap over some photos on my peg frames. I like to try and keep them fresh, and changing them around every so often seems to make me see them more. This then led to deciding to scrapbook.

I love scrapbooking, I’m that weird person on holidays that keeps everything. Napkins, ticket stubs, brochures, and luggage tags to name but a few. But, I am an extremely lazy scrapbooker, currently I have only completed up to September 2017. I began pulling out all the items I have collected on my last trips and unearthing the crafting box from under the bed, only to realise that there weren’t many pages left in my book. Not even enough to begin on one country. So, this instead turned into the reorganising of the craft box. Safe to say when I do finally get around to scrapbooking, I will be able to find everything I need easily.

Now here we are at Tuesday, day 28 and the last day of week 4 in lock down. Each week seems to pass by faster than the last. I had no plans to be anything but lazy today after yesterdays cleaning spree, and so far I’ve managed to stick to that. Literally all I have done is eat, read and write this piece. I’m getting really used to taking each day as it comes, and I don’t set myself any tasks, I just do what I fancy.
I saw a post on Facebook at the beginning of the UK lockdown, posted by a Chinese lady that had been in isolation for a good while by that point. It was about how she had set herself goals; to read so many books, to learn to play an instrument etc. But, she hadn’t started, let alone completed, a single one. Instead she had taken notice and enjoyed the small things. One of which was how the sunlight hit her kitchen in the morning when she sat drinking her coffee. This was something she had never witnessed before due to being at work, but she found great beauty in it. This really stuck with me, and I have tried to live my lockdown life in this fashion. Appreciating the little things, cherishing this time to not live by a schedule, and as long as my family and friends are well and safe, I will try to continue to be thankful.
Game - Red Dead Redemption 2
Book - The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary
The Blacklist S07
How to Get Away with Murder S06
Frames - Umbra
Polaroids - LaLaLab App