DS Adrian Miles and Imogen Grey are running out of time to catch a serial killer. A killer who dates his victims before he murders them. Determined to find the truth, Imogen decides to act as bait to lure the killer out.
When Connor is forced to move to Exeter he finds himself falling into the same routines with the same kind of people that got him into trouble back home in California. All the popular kids want to be his friend, but they don’t know what he did in the States that caused the move halfway across the world.
How far will Imogen take the ruse before she puts her own life at risk, and can Connor make some wise choices before he ends up heading down the same deadly path as before?
Unfortunately, this book was my least favourite of Diamond’s series so far. Whereas before I found the several narrative strands set an ever increasing pace, this time they left me feeling disconnected from the story. I also felt there was a shift in focus, this time the crime investigation itself seemed to be the secondary plot line to Connor’s. I just didn’t enjoy this as much, as I choose this genre for the twists and turns of an unfolding case.
Although I have been thoroughly negative so far, I did actually still find the book to be an enjoyable read, just lacking in some of the dark, warped goriness of its predecessors. Without a doubt I will still be requesting an ARC when the fifth book arrives on NetGalley, as I am extremely keen to learn where Diamond plans to take the main protagonists after this.
** Thanks to Avon Books UK, via NetGalley, for this ARC **