After my travels around Europe last year I was left with one certainty…I definitely wanted to see more of the world! Now all that was left to decide was where, when and how long for. Originally the plan was to do a USA road trip ending in San Diego for Comic Con, but unfortunately tickets sold out super fast and I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to receive any. So, after a few months of thinking about all the possibilities a destination was finally set, and the planning began!
As you have probably guessed, I am extremely excited. This will be my first time to Canada, my first long haul flight and, indeed, my first time driving in a foreign country. All these things are, at the moment, being eagerly anticipated and therefore I am expecting this to turn into sheer fear in the days leading up to departure.
First thing first was choosing a route. Which places should I visit? What is there to do there? Do I need a base camp for a few days at a time instead of driving every day?

After, much research, and the Google homepage being forever burnt into my retinas, a route was decided upon, the flights and car hire was booked and that left only the accommodation to secure. Unfortunately, this is where the problems began! September must be a super popular time to visit Canada and all that appeared to be left were the hotels nobody else wanted to stay in. So the searching started once more, and after many late nights and stressful panicking all was sorted. Not all the places I’ve booked are as nice as I’d hoped but then again I’m also hoping to not be in them very often.
After all this was done I was surprised that Lady Luck decided to hand me an opportunity, one I was extremely grateful to receive. Park entrance fees are pretty steep in Canada it seems, especially when you’re planning to spend most of your days searching the trails they have to offer. So I was extremely happy when my Auntie informed me that this year, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Canada, all park entrances are free if you apply for a pass. So, apply I did and completely free of charge they made there way to me across the seas in only 5 working days!

I don't want to give too much away just yet as I will be blogging from Canada throughout the trip. Now I’m on the 5 week countdown and I’m deep in spreadsheets to organise my accommodation, booking in to collect my dollars, freaking out about driving an automatic on the wrong side of the road and, of course, reading up on my bear safety tips!
Useful websites: