Stephanie Pratt has led the latter part of her life in front of a camera. The Hills, Made in Chelsea and Big Brother have all offered the public a view into her world. Although these programmes have elevated Steph to celebrity status, her life hasn’t always been so rosy. Made in Reality gives an exclusive insight into her struggles with drug addiction, relationship issues and what its really like to have the public watch your every step.
Is being a reality star really as glamourous as we think?
I have always been a fan of Made in Chelsea, having watched it from the first season, and instantly warmed to Steph when she joined the cast. I had never watched The Hills and didn’t really know who she was, so I was able to take her at face value. When I saw she had written this book, I was keen to learn more about her life prior to joining the world of reality shows.
We all assume that someone from a loving family and who isn’t short of a bob or two should be extremely happy with their lot, but mental illnesses don’t choose their prey dependant on social status, they affect a whole range of different people. At first I found it interesting reading about Stephanie’s double life. One minute she was being the perfect friend and family member with a smile on her face and then she was sneaking off to the bathroom at parties to take meth. Unfortunately, because I have never watched The Hills I found it slightly boring to read about those parts, but this was simply because I didn’t know anything about the show and I felt it was written in a way where some background knowledge was an advantage.
All in all it was mostly an insightful and easy read.