Being dumped is awful, but being filmed whilst being dumped wearing a Henry VIII costume is the last thing any girl needs. Lizzy Spellman awakes the next day to find she has become a YouTube sensation…for all the wrong reasons.
When her job in PR has her trying to flog ridiculous aura healing deeleyboppers, she thinks life can’t get much worse. How wrong she is!
Cue Elliot, he’s rude, cynical and miserable but there’s just something about him that makes Lizzy determined to change his outlook on love.
Can Lizzy prove love exists or will she end up broken hearted?
Having always loved Jo Carnegies books I was excited to try out this one under the pseudonym of Ellie Adams. I must say I’m unsure as to why she has decided to write under Adams because as far as I was concerned this novel was running along the same vein as her previous work, or so I hoped!
Thankfully I was right and none of Carnegies sense of humour or effortless writing style was lost in the name change. The characters she creates are so real and loveable you feel as though you could easily fit yourself into the story amongst old friends. Lizzy’s friend Nicola had me laughing out loud almost every time she was on the page, along with Mr and Mrs Spellman I felt I laughed a lot throughout the whole book. From reading other people’s reviews I’ve seen a few people found Elliot difficult to warm to, I didn’t find this at all. I loved him from his snooty email, to the first face to face meeting and onwards from there he only got better.
All in all, this was the perfect chick-lit read. Funny, light hearted and, for the most part, realistic. Can’t wait for more from Adams/Carnegie.