The bus journey to Prague was not a wholly enjoyable experience, as this trip seemed to play havoc with my motion sickness. Pleased to be off the bus at last it was time to try and navigate the metro system. After watching many people use the self service ticket machine I realised Prague was in a time warp and only the use of coins is permitted to buy a ticket. Finding the ticket and information office closed my last resort was to buy a drink from a nearby pizza vendor and get some change. Asking 3 separate people for directions and getting vague looks and pointing I ascertained I was on the right platform at last. Emerging from the underground I found myself on the street where my apartment was located. After smiling inanely at a man playing with his little girl I went into a nearby restaurant to ask if I was in the correct place. Back out on the pavement I realised the man with his daughter was now smiling at me and realisation struck that he was in fact my Airbnb host. It was a nice surprise to find that there was some food and milk already in so I was all set for a quiet night.

I had booked a free walking tour for the next day so I went off in search of somewhere for breakfast beforehand. I have found that the search for food in a foreign country is like looking for an oasis in a desert. Finally on finding a nice little cafe I chose an omelette and settled down to eat washed down with what passes for a cup of tea in the Czech Republic. At the start point of the tour the group was starting to collect and I met Mimi and Katie from New York. The 3 hour walk would take us past the Astronomical Clock, the Powder Tower and the Old New Synagogue that is home to the the Golem, plus much more.
During a brief break we decided to book in for a tour of the castle the following afternoon. When the tour finished at the Rudolfinum, we went and grabbed some gelato to revitalise. Saying goodbye and going our separate ways for the evening I went off in search of Prague Andy's Laundromat to catch up on some much needed washing. The launderette turned out to be a great place, with free wifi and use of desktop computers, a reading nook with sofas and free tea and coffee to pass the time whilst waiting for your wash.

After a fairly relaxed morning I went to meet the group to go and check out the castle. I found the tour itself was quite dull but nice enough to walk around in the sunshine and we did get some awesome views of the city from above. With the tour over myself, Mimi and Katie made our way to The Lennon wall to check out the graffiti left in dedication to John Lennon and the human rights movement.
Saying goodbye to my new found friends I walked back to the apartment for my last evening in Prague. The next day was going to be a long one, it would take 2 train journeys, a bus and a plane before getting into Paris in the evening.