I pre-ordered this book months in advance knowing I had to have it but at the same time not really sure that I wanted to read it!
Being a HUGE Potter-head the thought of delving back into my favourite magical world was exciting, but I knew it just wasn’t going to be the same…and I was right.
Let’s firstly discuss the format. The most obvious difference between this book and its predecessors is that it’s a script, and therein lays my main issue. As wonderful as it is to be back in JKR’s wizarding world this book is left lacking. Rowling is renowned for her delicious descriptions that have had children, and adults alike, breathing, feeling, smelling and seeing Hogwarts for the best part of two decades. The slug lines, unfortunately, are not enough to sate the desire for the world we have taken to our hearts.
My only other problem concerns some dubious plot holes. Now I’m not one for a spoiler so I’m barely going to go into detail on these at all. There are a few minor occurrences throughout the story but one major inconsistency towards the end that did leave me questioning Rowlings rationality.
However, these details aside, it was truly delightful to pick up with my three favourite friends again.
To read about their lives, their enduring friendships and their struggles as adults, only served to endear me further.